Payment – Card Payments

Accept Card payments with IPOSUP

Both IPOS soft and IPOS bric will give the Merchants the ability to accept both Card-Present and Card-Not-Present (Apple/Google/Samsung Pay) payments for their goods and services at a 1.3% or less transaction fee.

Accept Card Payments at 1.3% or less fee

Accepting card payments with IPOSUP means you are in control.



Both IPOS soft and IPOS bric accept all types of VISA and Mastercard payments.


Both IPOS soft and IPOS bric accept Card-Not-Present payments meaning consumers can pay for goods and services with their smart devices.

The Flash Tutorial

The only fee incurred when accepting card payments will be a 1.3% or less transaction fee on both Card-Present and Card-Not-Present payments.


A Point-Of-Sale solution to suit you

The IPOSUP app transforms your Android smartphone into your everyday Mobile Point-Of-Sale card and cash payment device. Using the latest technology we give you the ability to securely streamline your payments at a low cost.

IPOS soft

Receive payments on the move with your IPOS soft. Our MPOS Tap-to-Phone technology allows you to accept card payments via your Android smart NFC devices. Take contactless card payments anywhere and anytime without any external card reader!


IPOS bric or pad

Connect your IPOS bric or pad via Bluetooth and allow customers to tap or insert their card to pay for goods and services. Our IPOS bric or pad gives the customer more flexibility enabling chip-and-PIN and contactless when it comes to making payments.

£19 (+VAT) per device